Guilford County, North Carolina  

Friends of PWR

Located in Guilford County, NC, Piedmont Wildlife Rehab, Inc. is classified 501(c)(3) by the IRS, donations are tax deductible.

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Friends of PWR

Please accept this Christmas donation to honor the memory of our brother, uncle and mentor in many ways: Roger Nelson. Roger cared deeply for all living creatures and often personally sacrificed to meet their needs. We were ALL blessed to have him in our lives.

The Roger Nelson family





Beth Porter donated to PWR as a birthday gift to her Aunt, Sandra Spivey. Sandra is a long-time animal lover and particularly adores squirrels, rabbits, and dogs.


In Memoriam


A gift to the animals has been made in honor of the memory of Frank Reid Brown.


Generous Gift


Tom Brawner has made a generous donation through a grant from the Triad Black Hawk Fund in memory of geese killed in traffic in Guilford County, NC and in honor of the dedicated work of Piedmont Wildlife Rehab.


Donor Spotlight


A donation has been made in honor of Lynn Moseley by David & Howard Millican





An anonymous donation has been made in
honor of:

Lynn Mathews

Chet Efird,

Susie Palmer,

Tammy Gaydon



Thank you Acorno Acorns!

Thanks to Acorno Acorns for the donation and your expert information on acorns. Visit Acorno Acorns to see their selections of squirrel foods, acorns and nuts.




Bob and Carol Heise have made donations in honor of:

Dr. & Mrs. F. Kendal Eiler

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Phillips

Mr. & Mrs. Terry Lee

Mr & Mrs. Anthony Stallworth

Mr. & Mrs. Tim Richardson

Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Kontaoulas


Anonymous Gift


An Anonymous Donor Would like To Honor
The Following People


Angie Hall

Angie Snow

Bonnie Sloan

Brenda Keith

Carol Yates

Catrina Qualls

Chris Hipes

Crystal Haymore

Darrell Stultz

David Monroe

Debbie Baum-Taylor

Diane Simon

Doris Greenlee

Gail Kozlowski

Gina Harrison

Gray Kimel

Greg Schutrum

Jenee Austin

Jill Clay

Jody Worthington

Jonathan Mann

Joyce Partin

Judy Watson

Karen Isgett

Katrina Long

Keith Wicker

Ken McLeod

Kim Thomas

Liz Cranfill

Lori Corder

Matt Hill

Mitchell Whittaker

Paula Martin

Paulette Hutchens

Richard Roper

Sara Hutchens

Shawn Wooten

Sheila Lambeth

Steve Kennedy

Susan Scruggs

Susan Williamson

Tammie Wagoner

Tammie Wooten

Teresa Jones

Teri Herron

Terry Anderson

Terry Schadegg

Tina Kottlowski

Travis Hodge

Treva Hartwig





A donation has been made in honor of Lynn Moseley by Howard and David Millican. "Thank you Lynn for always being there for our family."



A donation has been made in memory of Mack Arthur Arnold (10/21/11) by Peggy Ware



A donation of supplies has been made by Kathy Ferrell in honor of Squeekie.



A donation has been made in memory of Jay Hartzler by Christopher and Karen Butler.


First day, one of Mike Fluke's rescued baby opossums

In memory of defensless critters worldwide!

Mike Fluke


Dr. and Mrs. Hammond Bennett

Giving in Memory of
Dr. Hugh Hammond and Margaret Bennett
Thanks for sharing your visions with us through the Janus and other theatres,
for leaving your special mark on the world and all the movie memories.
-David Taylor


Rita's Gift

Melissa and Rita

Rita's Gift

I had not seen Rita in about twenty years. I was so anxious to get out of the car and touch her that I had trouble getting the door open. Just a few feet away and all the years vanished and we were again toddlers, young girls, teens and the young women we once were. The day was not long enough to refresh all the memories or collect all the updates, but it was a start.

I told Rita of my current work with wildlife and PWR and our plight to continue to take birds in for care. I asked for her prayers that God would richly bless us if we were meant to be open for birds and mammals this coming spring. We continued with the updates on our adult lives and too soon had to say goodbye.

Last week, to my surprise, PWR received a gracious donation from Rita Beck. In lieu of gifts to her co works she made a donation in their honor to us. I am the one honored, and hope her work family will feel so as well. I went looking for a misplaced best friend and found her to be of a kind heart, strong spirit, and great faith.

Thank you Rita for honoring your friends through us. Your donation will completely cover the expense for milk formulas for our mammal babies in this coming season!

Donation in honor of:

Jenee Austin

Jill Clay

Mary Conrad

Lorie Corder

Liz Cranfill

Dusty Creed

Angie Hall

Gina Harrison

Treva Hartwig

Matt Hill

Tracey Holloway

Sara Hutchens

Paulette Hutchens

Karen Isgett

Teresa Jones

Brenda Keith

Steve Kennedy

Tina Kottlowski

Gail Kozlowski

Sheila Lambeth

Joe Leftwich

Katrina Long

Paula Martin

David Monroe

Joyce Partin

Catrina Qualls

Richard Roper

Greg Schutrum

Susan Scruggs

Diane Simon

Bonnie Sloan

Angie Snow

Darrell Stultz

Kim Thomas

Tammy Wagoner

Keith Wicker

Shawn Wooten

Tammie Wooten

Carol Yates


Can you help the animals?

Would you like a different gift idea? Click here to make a donation to us as a gift or honorarium for a friend or family member.


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love the animals

"One swallow does not make a summer, but one skein of geese, cleaving the murk of March thaw, is the Spring."
- Aldo Leopold